It is time once again for another one of my fabulous blogs regarding the witches. I know. I know. You are just beaming with excitement. You just can't wait to read what I have written. If not. Then what are you doing here. Shame. Shame on you. No cheesecake for you. Bad spying person. I mean. If you found yourself confused or even angry on how you ended up here then proceed through the exit via the x at the top of your screen. Just be careful not to close your entire browser if that isn't what you want. If you are still here. I will assume that you are beaming with excitement. Now, for what you have been waiting for. What information this blog will entail. Simple. The Witches' home world. After all this time. I have finally determined its name.
The planet that the witches reside upon is called Asmiara. Like earth, it is a planet with many different ecosystems from arid deserts to lush rainforest. It is, also, a planet that is home to countless numbers of species from the most basic one cell organism to sentient beings. There are in fact a number of these sentient beings carving a home for themselves upon Asmiara, but the dominate species are the witches. They are, also, the only species whose lands I will be giving names to at this moment. I will write a blog post sharing the names of the lands of the other sentient beings when I get around to it. The witches overall nation is called Virarias. It is a land made of mostly rolling hills and forest. Other ecosystems can be found within the witches territories, but they are mostly the dominion of several of the other sentient beings.

Over the course of time Virarias has been broken into various smaller kingdoms, but since Kyrell took the throne these countless kingdoms have been brought back into the original six. The lands that the Giese control is known as Estyrar. The Lavoie lands are called Mirannis. The Morgans or as they are known as now Morgan refer to their country as Anova. While the Paxtons, once known as the Azarola have named theirs Bythovion. The nation of Olannya belongs to the De Vries--now known as Vesela. Finally the Padovan or Salinas call their country Cesloania

Before, I bid you farewell I will share one last bit of information regarding the witches home world for you. It is a planet is protect by magic. It is said that as long as long as the witches remain that this barrier will, as well. Through, it is also said that the survival of several of the other species are also necessary for the planets survival, but that is a tale for another day. This barrier allows travelers upon space faring vehicles to completely overlook the planet as they fly past. What do they see when they happen upon Asmiara? Who knows. Do they see just more empty space or perhaps a piece of rock with absolutely nothing to offer. Through, sometimes outsiders find their way upon Asmiara. Either by crash landing upon it, or through the various 'portals' that witches and the other beings upon the planet have open from their world the various ones all over the universe.

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